CrossChecking the New IICRC S520 MOLD STANDARD Part 2


CrossChecking the New
with Ed Cross & Cole Stanton

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CrossChecking the New
with Ed Cross & Cole Stanton

Part 2: June 25, 2024 – 12 pm – 1 pm Eastern Time (9 am Pacific)

Is your team up to speed on the changes in the new IICRC S520 Mold Standard?

IICRC Standards can be used by restorers as a sword (to justify billing) and as a shield (to defend against liability claims).  The new mold standard was just released on May 17, 2024!

Mold remediators must be prepared to contend with the many important revisions in the new S520 Standard. 

  • When does the remediator know that a mold remediation project has been successfully completed and who should make that determination?
  • In Part 2 of this series on June 25, we will cover critical distinctions between post remediation “evaluations” vs. “verifications,” and will explain whether they have the same purpose, whether one entity can do both of them, and what types of sampling, if any, are necessary.
  • Is mycotoxin remediation a separate revenue source for remediators?
  • Does IICRC believe you are required to provide customers with certain notifications before applying antimicrobials?
  • What conflicts of interest can arise in a mold remediation project?
  • Remediators presume they have insurance coverage for mold claims made against them. Restoration CrossCheck’s liability insurance guru, David Dybdahl, will alert attendees to very important gaps he sees in many remediator’s liability insurance policies that leave them uninsured for mold claims. Don’t get caught unprepared!

Fortunately, Restoration CrossCheck Senior Consultant Cole Stanton was part of the S520 Consensus Body. Cole and Ed Cross will unpack the revisions to the Standard, and give you good answers to these questions and more. Each session is distinct from the others. No knowledge of the prior sessions is necessary to follow subsequent sesssions.

This is an interactive session. You will be invited to participate in the discussion.

Your participation in each session will earn you one (1) IICRC Continuing Education Credit.

This presentation is for general information only and is not intended as legal advice.


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